hoarse radish


Friday, August 28, 2009


Sinbad and International Terrorism (10 Heroic Deeds), 2006

I came across these photos on an art blog that I check out from time to time. They made me bust up laughing. The photos were taken by a Russian collective called Blue Noses. Sadly, I couldn't find very much background information on their website so I'm left to wonder where were they shot? Russia? Who are the subjects? (are those white dudes?) Why cardboard?

After some pense-ing on the subject, here's what I think. Form and composition don't seem particularly important in these photographs. They seem to focus more on the drama/irony of the scene than the composition. My first instinct was, why not make this into a performance piece? It would be GREAT (I'd go).

But, perhaps it all ties together somehow...The cardboard (oh so artificial), the white people dressed as "Sinbad" the terrorist, and the snow-covered woods of Russia (?) standing in for the Middle East. All these things hint at falsehood and deception. I hope this isn't a cliché analysis, but Isee the photos as a comment on contemporary orientalism in western media which misrepresents and dramatizes the realities of the middle east.

Does that work? Anything missing?

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