hoarse radish


Monday, December 21, 2009

6 songs I played the most in 2009

I played this one over and over and over...The first half of my year fed off its feel-goodiness. ( I know yours did too. Don't you go denying it now!)

Matt & Kim - "Daylight"

My favorite song on the album was "Brother Sport," but somehow this one still sifted its way to the top. Must be for a reason, eh?

Animal Collective - "My Girls"

The duo proves that all you need is a unique voice and a simple but catchy intro.

Beach House - "Used to Be"

Even an indie-emo kid like me couldn't deny it. This song's got soul!

Erykah Badu - "The Healer"

At Popscene earlier this year, their music was cacophonous and onstage presence mediocre. Still doesn't take anything away from this bitchin song:

Funeral Party - "Carwars"

Before Youth Novels, I wanted to be Swedish. Now, I really really want to be Swedish.

Lykke Li - "I'm Good, I'm Gone"

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