hoarse radish


Monday, December 14, 2009

Desaparecidos, remembered

Omar Darío Amestoy
Mario Alfredo Amestoy

Mario Alfredo Amestoy

Up to 30,000 people disappeared during the period of dictatorship in Argentina, lasting from 1976 to 1983. The desaparecidos, as they are commonly called (the dictator General Videla infamously said they were "neither alive or dead, but disappeared"), are still a tense and emotional topic in Argentina.

After the dictatorship fell out of power, the new democratic government introduced what they called the Ley de Punto Final, which impeded any attempts of legally pursuing the lower-level executioners of the Dirty War - thus, granting them impunity. The law of the Punto Final was voided by the Supreme Court of Argentina in 2005.

The majority of the desaparecidos still remain missing. The photographic project Ausencias ("Absences", 2007) by Gustavo Germano explores the impact of those who went missing. The people who vanish from one photo to the next are true desaparecidos. Those left behind become the documentation of their absence.

Andrés Servín
Raúl María Caire
Luisa Inés Rodríguez

Andrés Servín
Luisa Inés Rodríguez

Himno a la bandera Argentina - "Aurora"

Is there a darker national anthem in this world? Something haunting and suffocating lurks in Aurora. Have a listen.

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