hoarse radish


Monday, August 17, 2009

A life-size booger (and an elegant one at that!)

Marcel Wanders Dutch (Boxtel, Netherlands, 1963), Cappellini, Manufacturer(Arosio, Italy, Established 1946), Airborne Snotty Vase: Pollinosis, 2001 design object plastic

Here is a bit more on this boney-looking booger:
The piece is one of a series of five snotastic vases that can really store flowers! (check out the utilitarian sculptures here ; and a video about the making of the pieces here).

From what I can tell, each of the vases was made from an actual 3D scan of a single globule of a booger. Each of the five works were created from "models" or "patients" with one of the following diseases: coryza, influenza, ozaena, pollinosis (SFMOMA's got pollinosis!) and sinusitis.


I think its a killer idea - quirky yet techy. Wanders really highlights the aesthetics of science, something I have never properly considered. All in all, I never thought I'd be able to analyze the architecture of a booger and, I must say, those little buggers are pretty damn elegant. The pure white, the windswept movement - it reminds me of a ballet dancer or the petrified wood my grandparents have in their backyard or something Frank Lloyd Wright would have crafted for his living room... Cheers to the curators for this selection. It seems to fit with the theme of the exhibition (Sensate: Bodies and Design) really nicely.

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